Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Chapter

So, I've made a new decision in my life and I'm pretty excited about it. First, I deactivated my facebook account. I spent about 2 weeks not on the site and my life became 100% better. I was less stressed, I was spending more time with my husband, I was feeling better about my life and what I have. So I went back to it, saying i'd only get on once a day. Well, that failed misearably. I feel right back into the facebook addiction. So, I finally decided that I was just going to completely deactivate my account.

I've realized something about this 'facebook' epidemic. Although it is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends (especially when you are so far away from each other) it also makes people feel badly about their own lifes. How many times have you looked at someone elses facebook profile and thought "I wish I had that life." It is human nature to be competitive and to compare ourselves to others on a daily basis. Add in the facebook aspect where people can control what they make their life look like and you have a whole new venue of comparisions.

If you go on and read the news you see articles about how facebook causes increased depression and I agree with this 100%. You look at someone who may have a "better" life then you and you start realizing all of the things that you don't have. Instead of taking in everything that you do. I was doing this, I was looking at peoples pages and thinking, wow look how happy they are, look how many friends they have. Oh, they look so happy. And was not allowing myself to see all of the things that I have.

So let's list them.
1.) I have an AMAZING husband. He would do anything for me. He takes such good care of me and loves me so much. He is the number one reason i've decided to get rid of facebook. Our relationship has become so much stronger and better since i've let go of the stresses of facebook.
1.) I'm living in an amazing country. Although sometimes I miss my family terrible. I took that step to start this journey. And yes, it has been difficult sometimes but, I am finishing what I started and honestly I am loving being about to do the traveling.
3.) I have an amazing family. I miss them all so much, but they are truly amazing. I have great parents, my sisters and so many other people that I totally love and miss terribly!!!!
4.) I have the three best animals in the world. They are like my children and I love them more then anything <3
5.) I have good friends. Although it may not be as many friends as some, the small group of friends I have are truly amazing. Some from back home I miss terribly, and the ones who are here I love you <3

So basically, I decided to get off because I want to focus on the good things in my life. And on top of that I'm so tired of seeing other peoples drama!!! So, for my own sanity and for my own well being. I've stopped using it. Not only will it be good for a destresser but it will also make me see who my true friends are. It will be those people who reach out to me in an email or send me a skype message. Because facebook is such a superficial friendship. It makes it easy for people to send a simple comment. But, when they are forced to take a little extra effort are they going to take that step. So, we shall see how that works out too.

My second step in my new chapter is to stop drinking. This decision came after NYE. I just realized after that night that drinking wasn't as important as the people in my life. I hurt someone that night with my words and actions and I am never going to do that again. So, I stopped. I haven't been out drinking since that night. And that has been amazing for me and my husband. We have so much more money left over at the end of the month as i'm not spending useless money on alcohol. And, it has made our relationship 100X's stronger. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. And it was my decision. He never asked me to stop, I just came to that conclusion on my own. I feel healthier and happier since making that decision.

So, I'm a "new" but still the same old Stephanie. Just with some slight improvements. I'm seeing what is most important in my life. I have a great life. And i'm loving living it. I challenge others to get off of facebook. Even if it is just for 2 weeks. See what kind of changes it can make in your life. Will it have positive or negative influences for you??? Let me know!!!

I will post again soon. Hope everyone is doing well <3 xoxo

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