Thursday, February 2, 2012

Long Time No Talk

Well, it has indeed been some time since I last updated this blog. Sorry for the length of time it has taken me to get back on here. Been a busy girl, and then some things unexpectedly happened in my family. 

I went to Malaysia for our Christmas Vacation. One week on a tropical Island traveling around to see many different places. It was an amazing adventure. However, we didn't have enough time and I do wish that I had only visited 2 places to allow myself more time to explore. We arrived on Langkawi Christmas Eve. When we got to the hotel we found out they were having a complementary buffet dinner for all guests. This was possible the best information we heard as we were exhausted from traveling since 5am and wanted to just eat and then relax for the evening. They had an amazing buffet dinner with some delicious food. 
The next day we were going to rent motorbikes and ride around the Island only to find out we needed our drivers license. (guess we should've thought of that) We had left them at home thinking "we have our passports and alien registration cards we won't need anything else." So, we ended up going to the cable car and going SUPER high in the air up this SUPER tall mountain. It was such an amazing view. We stayed there for the majority of the day. 

We then headed to Penang which was again beautiful <3 Probably my favorite part of the entire trip. Next to our hostel was a street market which had any kind of food you wanted there. We had the most AMAZING Hawaiian pizza there!!!! The next day we went to the national park there and hiked in the Rainforest. What an adventure. We found monkeys and this HUGE Asian Water Monitor Lizard. Seriously, it was as big as I was. Hiking in the rainforest was both exciting and scary. We walked to this AMAZING beach you could only get to by hiking or boat. So there wasn't a lot of people which is how I like my beaches.

Our last leg of the trip was Kaula Lumpur. Big city, lots of lights, traffic and people. At this point I had the worst sunburn I've ever had in my life and being outside during the day was nearly impossible as it hurt me to have any sunlight on my skin. So that evening we went to the Petronas Twin Towers. These things were absolutely AMAZING!!!! In the night, all lit up. Some amazing architecture created an amazing design. And then it was time for home. 
Since then a lot has happened back home that kind of put me in a funk here in Korea. We had some family members unexpectedly pass away so we kind of have laid off on exploring. However, I need to tell myself that this is my time and I can't let anything stand in the way of that. 

The weather has finally turned and we had our first real snowfall that stuck. It is soooooo cold outside!!!! However, this weekend is supposed to be in the upper 30's range close to 40's. We plan on visiting a museum and doing some shopping!!!! Hope that everyone from home is doing well. We miss you all <3 


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