Monday, February 6, 2012

~ Dreams ~

First I would like to share some pictures from Sunday. My husband and I decided to take a walk through the park that is across the street from our apartment complex. It was a wonderful day for a hike. The weather was beautiful and there was still some snow on the ground to make it feel like a wintry day. Here are some of the photos from our day. . .

The Bridge <3

My Love and I <3

Pavillion in the Park <3

That is by far my favorite park here in Korea (that I have been to at least). It has a few pavillions in it, ponds, lakes, fountains, tons of hiking trails, a running trail along the river and much more. It truly is amazing and beautiful. I'm so glad Cody and I have that place to go.

Now onto the topic of ~Dreams~. I was thinking of this last night as I was falling asleep (I couldn't sleep that well.) We all have dreams, some are far more extensive then others. But my question is, how do you decide which dreams to persue and which dreams to let go of. Is there a way to know what you are going to regret more. Because it is nearly impossible to reach for all of our dreams.

I had a teacher in high school who was truly amazing. She taught us more then just global studies, she taught us how to open our minds and take in different worlds. She taught us that it is okay to disagree with someone and that our opionions may not always be right. And that even though we don't agree with the other person, that doesn't mean we don't need to still treat them with respect. I think this was one of the most important things I learned in H.S and I'm still trying to this day to follow those lessons she taught me.

she also taught me to follow your dreams whatever that dream may be. That what is most important in life is to be happy with whatever decision you make. When I was thinking of taking this journey to Korea she was one of the first people I discussed it with. I asked her what she thought of it and she was so excited for me. Willing to help me in whatever way I needed. She wrote me a letter of recommendation and has continued to send me words of encouragement throughout my journey.

But, I think what else she taught me is that our dreams don't need to be as large as traveling the world, or living abroad, our dreams can be as simple as owning a house, having children and settling down. Those dreams are okay too, as long as you are happy. As long as that is what you want. Which is where I am right now...I have so many dreams and so many different things that I want to do in my life.

In that global studies class 10 years ago this teacher awakened something for me. A love for the world that we live in. I want to go to the places that history happened, Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, Egypt. I want to see these places. I want to experience it first hand, not just looking at them in a book. So much of me wants to look into living abroad again, look into Italy because that is the one place I would want to live more then anything. But, if I was to do that my husband wouldn't come with me.

This year has been hard for us, has made us realize a lot of things other then our love for travel, which brings me to my next dream. I want to go back home to the U.S. build a house on his parents land. Find a good job working monday - friday. Allow Cody to take more oppurtunity to sell pictures and get his name out there. And then start a family. So much of me wants this dream too.

It's amazing because leaving the U.S. and leaving my hometown I never thought I'd want to go back. I've heard so many people say once you leave you will never want to go back. But, for me it has been the complete opposite. I'm realizing how amazing that small town really is. Yes, some of the people may be close minded, but that doesn't mean I have to be. Besides, you will get that any place you go to live. I love that town. I love the way I feel when I walk the 2 mile loop, when I see familiar things from growing up. There are so many good memories and that is where my family is. And, i've learned how much I love and miss them by being away.

So how do you decide what to do? Which dream is the one that should be persued? I think that my History teacher would tell me to choose the one that will make me the happiest. It's not about how extravagant the dream is. I don't have to be like other people who continue to travel. My dreams are just as important and significant as theirs. And, I will be so happy when I make that decision <3

Thank you Rebecca Utter for being such an inspiration <3

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