Monday, June 25, 2012


What is love? This is a feeling many people have discussed, wrote books on, is portrayed in movies and songs, as well as being eloquently written in poetry. It is an amazing phenomenon that many people do not understand. If you ask 100 people what love is, you could potentially receive 100 different answers. This does not mean one persons definition is better than another.

I believe love is all based on the individual. It is a feeling that can be interpreted in many different ways, constantly being redefined. Even within our own lives love is constantly changing. The love we experience as children and teens is completely different then the love we experience as adults. This isn't to say the love we experience at a younger age isn't real. At that point in ones life it is a real emotion and experience. These feelings are often not forgotten and help prepare us for a future, more mature relationship.

As we enter into adulthood our definition of love changes. Along with many others things. We begin to redefine ourselves and the other people in our life's. We begin to try new things and mold into an entirely new person.

Our friendships no longer revolve around who has the coolest clothes or who we played sports with. Some of your high school friends may still be around. But many times you lose touch with those people. Your relationships begin to revolve around common interests, dreams and aspirations.

Our romantic relationships are no longer about infatuation but revolve around something different. They are about trust, friendship, interests and love. You begin to ask the important questions; "could I marry this person," "do you want children?" "will you protect my heart and love me through the good and the bad?" You move in with one another, share expenses and begin perhaps for the first time in your life, begin putting someone else's feelings before your own.

You will have fights, you won't always agree on things, and at times you may feel like you want to give up. This is where I believe love comes in, when even though everything is falling apart and nothing is going right, you willing to stay with that person and work things out and in the end become stronger then you were before.

If you are willing to work on your differences, this is love. This is not to say love will always work. You may live someone but it still doesn't work out. And if someone you love treats you poorly you shouldn't stay with them. Love is not a cure all and it isn't the only thing that makes a relationship work. There are many other factors needed to have a lasting relationship.

Love will not always give you a happy ending and may leave you with a broken heart. Many people believe love will always prevail like in the movies. But sometimes it only leaves you with tears. But, this doesn't mean you should give up.

I believe in love. Even failed love. It teaches us about ourselves and helps along the journey of life. It helps mold you into the person you are supposed to be. So, if you have failed love, don't shut yourself away from the world. Be willing to love again. Every time you fall in love it will be something different. Embrace it and eventually you will find the love that will fit. The one who no matter how bad things get will always work and will always be there. And remember, NEVER settle for less then you deserve <3

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