Tuesday, April 10, 2012

7.5 months down, 4.5 to go

Hello all, its now April in Korea. The weather is warming up, the flowers are blooming and i'm drawing closer near to my departure date. It's hard to believe that this time last year I was starting the process to come to Korea I had made the decision to move an ocean away from all of my friends and family. Along with leaving a really good jb that I really enjoyed. But, think taking that move was extremely important for me. It wasn't an easy decision but getting the support from my friends and family helped so much in making the decision! So, to all of you thank you.

As I draw close to the end i'm realizing just how lucky I was to be able to have this experience. I've learned so many things about the person I am and the person I want to be. I realized I can do things I never thought I could do. Live in a strange new place and not being able to speak the language of all the people around me. It's so weird how quickly a person can adapt to new surroundings if they are just open to the new experience <3 I'm so happy that I was open to it all.

I've learned to be more independent and not rely on other people for my own happiness. It doesnt matter what the other people around me think about me and my life, the only person who matters is myself and what makes me happy. And being here has shown me exactly that!!! I've also met some AMAZING people here who I think will forever be my friends <3 To them, thank you so much for accepting me as the person that I am and never wanting me to change. You were all so important in helping me realize the person I want to be. During hard times you were there for me and i think you are all amazing people and I hope life gives you all the happiness that you deserve <3

Part of me is sad to think i'll be leaving here soon, but the other part knows that this is not the place for me to stay. As much as I love Korea, I miss my dogs more then anything and can not abandon them for another year. I will catch up more later with fun excitements we have had.

Sending lots of love <3