Friday, November 18, 2011

Finally Feeling at Home

Hey guys, sorry it has been awhile since I posted on here. Life has been a little busy. Cody and I have been exploring more of what this amazing country has to offer. I was having a really low time, missing my family from home and SUPER missing my animals. I was feeling really down and just wanted to go home. But, Cody and I talked and said we needed to just stick with it and it would all turn out okay. So, we went on a little adventure to the Suwon Fortress. Needless to say, it reminded me of why I am here in this amazing place. To see things like that.

So Suwon is an old walled city. During the time when the Japanese occupied Korea they built fortified cities (almost like the great wall.) Well, as they began to develop these walled cities began to be torn down to make way for the new "improved" cities that we have today. However, in Suwon they kept the wall intact and know it is a large tourist area for people to visit. It is so amazing to see something that is so old and has so much history. And to think, I wonder what it was like when these people lived here. Now when you look beyond the walls there are tall buildings, cars, and lots of people. In the distance you can see these amazingly tall mountains. And I said to Cody "can you imagine what this view was like without all the cars, building and people." It must've been incredible breath-taking. It was beautiful. Here are some pictures.

 Along with exploring the Fortress we also were able to experience some traditional Korean food. It was interesting. Some things were REALLY good while other items were slightly scary at times. I teach adult students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. I have the cutest old Korean man, he is in his lower 50's and he insisted on taking Cody and I to lunch and "hiking." So he took us to a traditional Korean restuarant so we could experience so "good" Korean food. Then he took us into Seoul to the National Park where they have a HUGE zoo! It was super cool and I had so much fun with him. Cody got some good pictures of animals and we just enjoyed ourselves. It was a lot of fun.

I've also met some amazing people. With working until 8:30 and 9:00 on most nights it is difficult to hang out with people during the week. But, I've met a group of people who live about 10-15 minutes by subway from me. I've been hanging out with them every Friday night for the past three weeks. They are so much fun to hang out with and we have SO many things in common with them. One is a Japanese girl who is really nice. She is going to teach Cody Korean which is pretty sweet!!! She loves to do the same things as us, hiking, shopping, exploring. I'm so excited to get to know her better. And then there is Kayla. She is like this light that I needed to find. She is always smiling and has so much energy and just always seems to have such a positive attitude. I needed to find someone like her to show me a different perspective. I've been hanging out with her every weekend and it has turned into the thing I really look forward to. I'm so excited she decided to stay for another year so I can get to know her so much better. She is exactly the type of person that I wanted to meet here.

Tomorrow we are all going to the Coex aquarium here in Seoul. Kayla, Yuki, Cody and I. I'm pretty excited to go and see it. I've met these amazing people and now I want to get to know them so much better!!!! I'm just so happy to be meeting people and coming here and doing exactly what I wanted to do. Making new friends and showing myself that I am strong enough to do this. Cody and I have grown so much as a couple since being here. For awhile I was really scared for the direction our relationship was going. We were both so incredibly unhappy which was reflecting back to how we treated each other. And now, I can't explain it but it is like we are back to how we were when we first started dating. I feel so in love with him more and more everyday. I'm so lucky to have him in my life and that he decided to marry me and that he stuck around with me for so long.

Thank you Korea for already teaching me so many things. Can't believe it's been 3 months and I only have 9 months left it in this amazing place. I still have so much I want to do!!!! That is all for now. Hope that life is treating everyone else amazingly. Hugs and kisses. I miss you all <3